Product Updates

XSGD and XIDR payments are now supported on paywong

June 9, 2022

We are pleased to announce that XSGD and XIDR are now supported on paywong, a leading enterprise payments solution for freelancers and small businesses. 

Backed 1:1 to the Singapore dollar and Indonesian Rupiah respectively, XSGD and XIDR have been chosen as one of paywong’s first APAC-based stablecoins, bridging the gap for invoice payments to be made in StraitsX stablecoins via the Zilliqa and Ethereum networks.

Users will be able to create invoices on the paywong platform and receive XSGD/XIDR from their clients. Any transaction done over paywong removes the need for transaction fees charged by third-party intermediaries, only costing a minimal gas fee for the transaction to be validated on the blockchain. 

paywong dashvboard
paywong invoice confirmation screen

Paywong also allows users who do not have an existing crypto wallet to begin transacting on the platform by generating a noncustodial wallet on the user’s behalf.

Moe Tengku, CEO/Co-founder of paywong commented, “paywong’s aim is to make crypto and Web3 more palatable for users by taking away the associated complexities and learning curve of blockchain technology. The platform was designed based on familiar interactions to popular invoicing systems used by freelancers and small business owners.”

To start using paywong, head over to Users will only need to sign up using their email account, and the platform handles the rest!

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